day one : 10 things about you
Assalamualikum xjawab dose kalau jawab sayangg (bajet Maria Elena)
sebenarnye dh bpe kali dh ak dok pikir, ble nk start entry 10 things ri nie rajin tu npak cm bayak. sye stat le rinie hee
1. I saw many blogger start with introducing their name, sgt la kureng aja bg rookiecm ak nie start dari makanan kegemaran an.. nme saye ELINA SHAZALINA BT ROZMAN
cm artis x nme haha..sebenarnye ak nie cucu sulung blah mak ak, so sume cm excitied nk bagi nme, nme nie abah n mak cik ak nye pilihan tq ye sbb nme nie sye selalu dok agak depan la taim exam, budak skolah pngil saye ina, budak lelaki pngil elina, dok kat poli deme pngil eli, elin pn ade korang pilih le mne 1 nk pngil ku, but i don't prefer shaza or shaz, xkene ngan jiwe
2. sye selalu xtau bile org tnye sye asal mne, coz sye lahir kat HOSP. BESAR KUALA LUMPUR
but 1thn pastu ak dok kat Perak smpai bile org tnye ak asal mne n ak ckap Kl.."pergh berlagak minah nie bajet KL =.= so i end up telling them i'm from Perak..xbutthurt pn sbnarnye
6. ak sangat suke makanan pedas2 but mknan manis2 kureng sikit. kalo masak tu mmg xingat perot org len ikut sedap lidah je.. my family cakap i'm specialize in making sambal, x kire la smbal blacan, air asam or smbal klo balek kg je ak le dok wat smbal pencicah hehe tp skung nie ak dh kurang amik pedas coz takut dpt appendicitis.
7. i'm a PISCES so internet say i'm a THUG
Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. sexiest out of everyone.A real speed demon. Has more than one best friend. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions. But my version of me is a bit clumsy with a touch of humor can get a little hot tapered sometimes and loud in some occasion but love herself and care about everyone around her.
but 1thn pastu ak dok kat Perak smpai bile org tnye ak asal mne n ak ckap Kl.."pergh berlagak minah nie bajet KL =.= so i end up telling them i'm from Perak..xbutthurt pn sbnarnye
3. DEGIL ak rse an mnx maaf taim raye 1thn sekali x dpat nk cover kedegilan ak 1 thn but ak hnye degil ngan org2 tertentu je..ag2 mak..lg die ckp jgn wt lg ak sonok nk wat hahaha but degil je r.nk .melawan cukap takut..
cm nie ke rupe ak bile degil.asal burok ak mati2 ingat cute!!!
4. Ak stat msok SEKOLAH darjah 1 taim umo ak 5thn (sebab ak genius??????????? jaoh sekali, ak nie kadang2 eje genius pn salah) hee ak msok skolah awal coz ak mengamok xmo kene tinggal kat babysitter, kn ak dh kate ak degil ^__^..ak nages taim abah ak anta ak pagi2 spai abah ak jmput balek,,sian sume baby taleh tido,so bile ak dh skolah ak wat skolah 2 cm ku pune lah.. mak ak cite ak leh relax je tnye Guru besar "abah mane??" dgn ponteng kelas (tp kantoi) then bile ku dh bsa sket(6thn) ak msok lah tadika balek TADIKA ABIM (taim nie ak dnki kat adek ak,coz die mude dr ak... ak g kat cgu ckap"cgu saye pn 5 thn nk buku utk 5 thn gak" boleh ak bertekak ngan cgu ak???haish) Then darjah satu (7thn) ak msok skolah lame ak dulu SKPTLDM . so budak2 y 1 kelas ngan ak dlu sume dh drjah 3 la kirenye an.. dieorang hairan knpe ku still drjah 1 haha ak x explain coz ak pn xde jwpan taim tu.. then drjah 2 n 3 ak tukar skolah sbb nak sesi pagi, skolh lme ak drjah 2 n 3 sesi ptg.. so ak bersekolah d SK LUMUT then msok balik SKPTLDM , skolah menengah kat SMKSM. kat sini la stat men ati n perasaan, ceh x berbaloi ak rse..but tu le pengalaman an..
skolah 5km lagi.....
5. ak sangat suke BERJALAN ajak la g mne2 ak sure on je..hehe xcaye tnye sume roomate ak taim kat poli, bilik ak tu just tok ak tdo, n 2ka bju je..mkn pn kdg2 bilik mber..mber kdg2 bengang le gak hehe.nk wat cm ne hobi ak mmg begitu, xrti dok diam lam umah pn bpe kali 1 ari ak ke hulu,ke hilir.
sonok lepak bilik org coz kite akan di jamu mkanan..hehe
7. i'm a PISCES so internet say i'm a THUG
Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. sexiest out of everyone.A real speed demon. Has more than one best friend. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions. But my version of me is a bit clumsy with a touch of humor can get a little hot tapered sometimes and loud in some occasion but love herself and care about everyone around her.
8. LOVE BAGS xkire hand bags, tote bag or bagpack...Taim ak studi dlu ak rse ak la y byak 2ka beg in one semester. but skung nie nk jarang beli coz xde alasan.. dlu alasan2 y selelu di gunakan..match dgn bju nie la,bju tu la, match ngan hari Sunday la..match ngan kasut la, but skung stick with one bag je dlu T_____T..tgu le le bile ak dh smbung studi i'll be back with my side hobby.. xboleh lawan temptation with white begs.. help!!! i'm week without my parent guide (ye la taim blja xde mak nk mnghalang or give u second though about beg2 y mnti d rumah)
9. suke DENGAR LAGU berulang-ulang-ulang-ulang kali.. lagi2 y slow tempo.. soothing gile. dengar byak kali lam 1 ari..kire kalo xde headphone roomate/org sekeliling leh muntah le dengar lgu tu.. ak akan denger lagu tu smpai dh muak le..then bile ak dngar lagu tu sekali lagi leh cari baldi n muntah hahaa exaggeration y melampau.. to me music is a language, a way of life, a quote, music is different in way people interpenetrated it...........
10. buat mase skung nie tengah demam dengan KPOP wlaupn org cm WTF dgn kpop an..ak peduli pe ak,this is 10 things about me. not you..kpop is not just in cute faces n cute act.. wht i love about kpop is everything inside out.. their culture, the food, the drama, their country, their technology, the variety show cm running man, oh my school, 2 days 1 night.kebanyakan show dieorang msti tunjuk somthing obout Korea..kire dieorang bange ngan pe y negara dieorg ade n nk 2njuk kat sume cuz they know the world is watching them now. ak suke lagu dieorang coz makne2 d sebalik lagu tu..terbuai2 rasenye.. cm Sarang Bit by CN BLUE
ehem:sume pic d ambil dr abang angkat ak> google..
gosh what i'm going to do without u.. ^^V
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